Love Letter to Self

Love Letter to Self- 2022

My dear Leslie, You bring truth, and not always do you hear your value.  

Your sparkle radiates love to all in energy bursts that ignite memory into 

consciousness. Wow, what a brainy and literal you have become, and even 

Thru your own trauma, your narrative is beautiful.  You value every moment, every story, and everyone with life living- 

Close to your heart because they are your transformation and light

         Giving Color to the gray clouds and painting laughter with the tears. 

                     You let go and exfoliate that which is not needed - you give birth

                            To dreams and inspiration to others. Your Love for

               Your work is your Life because it gives meaning and value to darkness.

 I admire your strength, your vulnerability, and your authenticity. I love the ways it translates into your style, your creativity, and your work with others. 

You have walked thru more than most and transformed and changed and came to and came out on the other side and continue to hold your hand and others thru many changes, growth spurts, disappointments, breakthroughs, and trauma responses.

Never do you complain, that yet another issue to resolve to transfer in time to grace.  Your courage, your strength, your beauty are beholding.

 You value yourself, your gifts, and your influence. 

 I love you, I love you, I love you. I wanna be you. I am you!


The Space InBetween


Here We Go!